How To Use Digital Technology More Mindfully

Esther CundallGuest Posts, How To Practice Mindfulness, Mindfulness, Mindfulness at Work, Productivity, Time Management

Digital technology plays such a huge part in our modern lifestyle, but are we mindful of the way in which we are using it? Following these 7 tips, you can learn how to use digital technology more mindfully!

  1. Set yourself limits

First and foremost, set yourself limits! Are you actually aware of how often you’re using your phone or computer?

Some phones have a handy “screen time” function that tells you just how much time you spend looking at your screen a day, as well as how often you simply pick it up. It can be shocking to see just how much of our day is spent using one device alone!

You can also use this function to set yourself limits, and you will receive a reminder when you’re getting close. This helps us to be more mindful of our time spent using technology and maybe even drastically reduce it!

  1. Have a technology free room

Do you have some form of technology in every room in the house? Most of us do! But do you really need it?

Having the technology there just gives us an excuse to use it at all times. It discourages us from just sitting with ourselves, and doing more mindful activities such as socialising, reading or meditating.

Maybe designate one room in your house to being a technology free zone. This means no TV, no radio, no phones, no tablets and no exceptions! This room is a room to just be. In turn you might feel like stepping into this room is a breath of fresh air – quiet and peaceful, with no distractions!

  1. Use one device at a time

If you’re going to use technology, be fully present with it! This means actually watching the TV (scary thought, I know). I dread to think how many of us put the TV on, only to sit and scroll on another device such as a phone or a tablet.

All this does is adds noise to our lives and decreases our ability to be fully present with one thing. Evaluate whether you’re prone to this bad habit. If you are, turn this awareness into action. Make a commitment to yourself to only use one device at a time – and to use it consciously!

  1. Evaluate your use of social media

In my opinion, social media gets a bad rep. I think social media has the incredible ability to connect us to likeminded people from all over the world, and inspire each other. However, this is only if we use it consciously!

When used unconsciously, social media can definitely do more harm than good. If you feel like you come away from social media feeling depressed and deflated instead of inspired and uplifted, it’s time to evaluate how you’re using it!

Some of my favourite tips for using social media mindfully are:

  • Unfollow anybody who doesn’t make you feel positive: you have no obligation to follow anybody who doesn’t make you feel positive, uplifted and inspired!

  • Step away if you’re feeling vulnerable: if you’re in a negative headspace, you’re more likely to compare yourself to others!

  • Stop mindless scrolling: Take the time to actually read the content instead of rushing onto the next thing!

  • Don’t let social media replace in-person human interactions: nothing is better than face-to-face human interaction!

  1. Put your phone away in social situations

Moving on from that last point, how present are you being in your face-to-face interactions? Do you have a habit of scrolling through your phone while you’re interacting with friends and family?

Not only could this habit come across as rude to those who want to spend time with you, but it greatly affects your ability to actually be present and listen to other people. Over time, we start to lose our social skills because we’re just not exercising them enough.

If you’re guilty of this, set yourself the challenge of leaving your phone in your bag or your pocket during social interactions. After time, you’ll begin to appreciate your social interactions more and you won’t even think about the device left in your bag!

  1. Disconnect before bed

This one is essential. Using any device before you go to bed is going to interfere with your sleep. This is because exposure to blue light represses the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. For this reason it is advised not to use any devices for an hour before you go to sleep.

Try replacing your phone habit with a healthier alternative such as reading a book or practising restorative yoga to wind down. I personally also like to use a himalayan salt lamp to dimly light the room with warm light so my body can naturally start producing melatonin.

  1. Do a digital detox

If you feel like you’re at a stage in your life where you’re too reliant on technology and the previous steps aren’t enough to target that, maybe it’s time to do a digital detox.

Set yourself the challenge of going without all devices for a day, or even a week if you’re feeling brave! Use this time to connect with yourself, other people and nature instead. You may also wish to journal during this period to reflect on your experiences.

The idea is that after your digital detox, you’ll come to realise that you don’t actually need technology at all. With this new realisation you can rely on it less, and make the above changes to use digital technology more mindfully!

About the Author

Esther Cundall

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Esther Cundall is a psychology graduate and certified yoga teacher. She is the founder of the blog Hopeful Lotus, which guides readers to nourish their mind, body and soul with spiritual practices and self care tools. By sharing her own journey, she helps others find their own hope and heal from within.