Morning Mindfulness: Make Checking in With Yourself a Priority

Tracy YatesHow To Practice Mindfulness, Mindfulness, Technology

Can you decide what kind of day you’re going to have?

One of my favorite sayings is, “Mindfulness starts in the morning.” Checking in with yourself – emotionally and physically – sets the tone for your entire day. It brings you to a refreshed, energetic state, and gives you a chance to begin your day with intention. I tell my students frequently that it’s up to us to decide what kind of day we’re going to have – we don’t have to let it be dictated by outside influences. 

1. Make it a Priority

One of the biggest -challenges I see people experience when trying to forge their own morning mindfulness ritual is that it’s not made a priority. We so often put our own self-care on the back burner, and are quick to allot time we meant to devote to ourselves to outside obligations like getting in the last few touches on that work project, or leaving the house earlier than planned to get that lingering errand in. 

It’s important to treat self-care with the same level of priority that we do our work, our families, and our countless other responsibilities. Treat it like a job you’re getting paid for – you have to show up! 

2. Save Screen Time for Later

I am as guilty as anyone of this – it’s so hard not to reach for my phone first thing in the morning. I mean, what if there’s an important email waiting or a client in need?! Here’s the thing – it will still be waiting after you’ve taken time to check in with yourself. 

Commit yourself to waiting to check your phone, or turn on the TV, or switch on your tablet until after you’ve taken the first part of your morning for mindfulness. When we don’t, we’re already allowing all those external factors to gain control– which leads to them having a greater influence on us for the remainder of our day. 

3. Check in Physically

While checking in with ourselves emotionally is important, taking the time to check in with how your physical body is feeling is every bit as crucial to really practicing mindfulness. How our inner self is feeling – whether it’s positive emotions like happiness, excitement, or contentment, or more concerning emotions like nervousness or restlessness – will often show itself through physical sensations. Look for things like:

  • Are you feeling more tense than usual?
  • Is there a pain or a twinge in a certain part of your body?
  • Are you feeling more relaxed than usual?

Taking note of how you physically feel at the start of your day can help you recognize and work with how you’re feeling emotionally. That gives you the opportunity to work through those feelings right at the start of the day, setting you up for a fresher and better mindset. 

4. Find Stillness

Whether you use meditation, or maybe just time in a quiet area void of distractions, carve out a few minutes of stillness every morning. Try to allot as much time for this as your schedule allows, but at least 15 minutes is ideal.

Stillness helps us reach a state of neutrality, which means we can start our day with a clean slate and not be affected by the things that happened yesterday, the things we know are upcoming today, or any of the other external influences that can cloud our judgement. 

5. Mindfulness Doesn’t Stop in the Morning

I know I said that mindfulness starts in the morning, but that doesn’t mean it ever has to stop! While incorporating mindfulness into your morning ritual is paramount, making sure you make space for it throughout your day maximizes the benefits. 

Meditation doesn’t have to be completely still. Try:

  • Taking a few moments for a ‘meditation walk’ over your lunch break, in between meetings or appointments, or anytime throughout your day when you feel the need for it. Leave your phone at home or the office!
  • Do a re-check with yourself mid-day just like you did in the morning. See if those physical sensations you had felt are stronger, or if they’ve subsided, and take the time to return to a mindful and more neutral state. It’s like hitting the reset button – and I can assure you it’s addicting!

You are your best self – your most productive and available – when you are centered, grounded, and connected with how your authentic self is feeling. Make that connection a priority, and you will be amazed at how much easier it is to be the best version of you every single day. 

About the Author

Tracy Yates

I am an intuition teacher and mindfulness master who helps individuals tune into their intuition and build a deep and meaningful connection with themselves to form unbreakable self-trust, break lifetimes of unhealthy patterns and live with purpose and clarity. Follow my journey on Instagram (link below), or visit for more tools and resources on how to establish an unwavering connection with your soul.