6 Useful Tips for Improving Mental Focus and Clarity!

JennyBenefits Of Mindfulness, Guest Posts, Ideas For Your Mind, Inspire Me..., Mindfulness, Productivity, Stress

For the average person, life can get in the way of achieving our goals and maintaining our focus. This is especially true with how busy our lives are now – from parents juggling children and full-time hours, to those just trying to climb the ladder in their careers. But to bring a bit of balance to your life, and take five minutes to slow down, improving your mental focus and clarity is a must.

So, how exactly can you work on improving those all-important skills? Here are six useful tips to help you bring a little more focus into your life:

1. Improve your sleep hygiene

Improving sleep can be something as small as listening to soothing music before settling down for the night to help provide some much-needed focus. Whether you’ve got some dedicated wind-down music, you enjoy a little white noise, or soundscapes are more your deal, improving your sleep hygiene can make all the difference to the next day. Sleep is vitally important to help us focus, so don’t underestimate just how much a good night’s rest can make a difference.

2. Incorporate yoga or meditation into your day

With over 20.4 million people estimated to be practising yoga daily, and over 300 million generally practising worldwide, they can’t all be wrong. Taking some time out to do a simple yoga routine, or even just settling down for some solo meditation time can help bring the world back into focus. Studies have shown that visualising something comforting can also have an impact on your quality of sleep, providing you further clarity the following day.

3. Be ‘in the moment’

It might be difficult to not think about your emails, to-do list, or upcoming events, but simply being in the moment can undoubtedly pay off for many people. Shut all thoughts of tomorrow out of your mind. You’ll find your mental focus to be much sharper when it comes to whatever you’re trying to concentrate on. As part of a routine before bed, staying in the moment can prevent those hours of staring at the ceiling planning out the future – allowing you restful sleep and a better attitude overall.

4. Ensure you’re meeting your body’s needs

If you aren’t meeting the needs of your body, then you might find it harder to achieve mental focus. From getting at least a little movement into each day to ensuring you’re eating the right foods, meeting the needs of your body is easier than you might think. It’s easy to fall into unhealthy patterns where work or other people are the focus. Something as simple as making sure your bedroom is at a comfortable temperature (between 60 and 75 degrees F) when you sleep can transform how you feel when you wake up in the morning.

5. Practise self-care

Too busy to take time for yourself? If you want to improve your focus, then practising a little self-care is a requirement. Simply doing something for yourself, enjoying a long bath, or indulging in an early bedtime with fresh, clean sheets can quickly change your mindset. Giving your brain a break is an excellent way to invest in yourself and allows you to see the world through fresh eyes. Choosing something that’s easy and repeatable is the way to go to ensure you stick to your new-found good habits.

6. Write it all down

Bullet journaling, using a diary app, or simply getting your to-dos down on paper can be an excellent way to get all those thoughts out of your head and tucked away neatly. Adding journaling to your daily routine can be a unique way to create focus. Especially if you’re able to tick off all the things you’ve achieved that day. Focus can include looking at the bigger picture, and journaling can provide a way to do this without pressure or stress attached.

However you improve your mental focus and clarity, or whatever your daily life looks life, taking the time to invest in your wellbeing is vital to success in the long run. To achieve all you want to in life, pushing yourself all the time isn’t the way forward. Balance your responsibilities with a little time for yourself, and you’re far more likely to get where you want in the long-term.

About the Author


Jenny is a lifestyle blogger from London, determined to find mindful moments amidst the chaos of modern life. On her days off she can usually be found walking in her local park.