Mantras of Love: Meditating to find Compassion in Yourself

Pursuit Of MindfulnessHow To Practice Mindfulness


Sit on the floor in the lotus position, with the back of your hands on your legs, and your index and thumb touching. Take a deep breath in, and enjoy the sounds around you, the sounds of mother nature singing you a sweet melody with the birds chirping a tune, the lakes or rivers rushing by and filling the air around you. Now, listen to the most important sound, your heart. Listen to the silent words that it is saying to you, listen to the whispers that it has been trying to send to you all these years. Your heart has been trying to communicate with you, and has been trying to show you the love that you have been looking for all along, inside yourself.


It is easy to listen to society, and the media telling us that we don’t deserve love, that we don’t deserve compassion. But once we get rid of that notion that society has placed on us, we will finally be able to find that love that we do so deserve, and we will be able to find that love that we have been looking for all along. We can find it when we meditate, as we inhale good vibes, and exhale the negative ones. When we do this, we end up inhaling the love from our heart, and exhaling the negativity that has been placed on our hearts and minds from the media.

As you inhale during your meditation say this: Breathing in, I send myself love.

As you exhale, say this: Breathing out, I send love to someone else who needs it.

This mantra will help you find the compassion for yourself as you meditate, and at the same time, you will also send love to someone else out there who is searching for love within themselves. While you exhale and send love to someone else, you are also exhaling all the hate from your mind and from your heart, opening you to more compassion.


Take a moment every day, it can just be for fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, or even an hour, and just sit and breathe. While you take this moment and meditate, reflect on what is in your heart. As you reflect, tell yourself this: I give myself compassion in this moment.

As you say this, feel the weight of negativity lift off your shoulders, off your chest, off your heart. You will begin to feel lighter, and feel the sensation of love and compassion for yourself resonate inside your body, inside your soul.


 Practicing certainly helps a person get better at many things, and this includes meditating while incorporating mantras into one’s life. And there are many ways you can incorporate mantras into your life without always having to meditate in the lotus position, or lying down:

  1. Affirmation calendars can be found all over the internet, and there are some apps out there that you can download onto your phone, iPad, or any other electronic device. Keeping this with you will help bring some positive mantras into your daily life.
  2. Guided meditation apps are also very well known, they help you focus on whatever you are wanting to focus on at that moment in time. And if you wanted to focus on loving yourself, the meditation apps would be very beneficial in this aspect. The best one to check out is The Mindfulness App.
  3. Journaling every morning when you wake up or before you go to bed is another way to incorporate mantras in your life. This is a form of meditation where you don’t need to say “om” or have to close your eyes. Instead, you can write down a positive mantra in your journal and reflect on it, while at the same time your heart is reflecting on it.
  4. Detaching from social media or any network for a few hours will not hurt you, in fact, it will help you even more. This is because you are allowing your heart to heal in a safe environment, without the negative effects social media that looms over us.
  5. Focus on your soul, because it is highly important. Yes, keeping yourself hydrated, well fed, and exercising a couple of times a week does help, but it doesn’t help your soul and your heart completely. By incorporating mantras into your daily life, you will be able to find the love, the compassion, and the healing process in your heart begin.
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Pursuit Of Mindfulness