Four simple ways to be more mindful of your words (no meditation required)

Ian ChewHow To Practice Mindfulness, Mindfulness

“I love you.”“I hate you.” A few words can make or break a relationship.  This is not about how skilled you are as a communicator.  This is about how aware you are.  After all, words aren’t just a result of your thoughts, they are also a product of your emotions. As Baba Shiv, a Standard professor and neuroscientist, said:  “Something … Read More

Are you Mindfully present throughout your Working Day?

Pursuit Of MindfulnessHow To Practice Mindfulness, Mindfulness, Mindfulness at Work

It was 7AM Monday…  The familiar sound of Sarah’s iPhone alarm pierced through the silence in the room. Peeling herself out of bed, Sarah threw herself into the shower where a whirlwind of thoughts about the week ahead began to occupy her mind. Clothes thrown on, she heads for the kitchen. Breakfast in hand, Sarah’s mind whirred once more. ‘I best … Read More

How can you deal with negative thoughts?

NikolinaHow To Practice Mindfulness, Ideas For Your Mind, Managing Thoughts & Emotions, Mindfulness

All humans share the universal experience of worry, fear, and negative thoughts.  We all worry about our futures, over-analyze, overthink, and most of us have abundant negative thoughts crossing our minds for much of any given day.. More often than not, trying to stop these thoughts will only cause more anxiety and negativity. Remind yourself that it’s okay if they … Read More

How Adapting to Change Can Teach Us Mindfulness

Jessica PowelCoping With Change, Guest Posts, How To Practice Mindfulness, Ideas For Your Mind, Mindfulness

Change Can Teach Us Mindfulness… Change. It’s one thing that we as humans struggle with. We are creatures of habit, deeply attached to our beloved daily routines. However, let me ask you this: what happens when that routine changes? With physical, tangible change, our thoughts and emotions also change, and we begin to overthink. “But I love living here, who … Read More